Conservation Congress Results are in!

The 2024 Conservation Congress results are in. Once again, the results show that Wisconsinites support clean water, wildlife protection, and conservation. Voters supported protections from PFAS, wakeboats, and lead pollution. See all of the results here

Voters overwhelmingly supported PFAS protections, with over 88% of voters answering ‘yes’ to the question:
“Should the Legislature, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Health develop and enact protective limitations on PFAS compounds for acute and chronic toxicity in surface water, wildlife health, groundwater, fish consumption, and human health?”

The majority of voters in every single county voted for these protections, with over 75% of voters supporting protections in all but 2 counties.

2024 Conservation Congress PFAS question results show overwhelming support of PFAS regulations

Voters also overwhelmingly supported lead education with 75% of voters and the majority in every single county voting to support: 
“Do you support DNR including information on lead alternatives and the impact that lead ammunition and fishing tackle have on our ecosystems and public health in hunter education courses and hunting and fishing regulation materials?”

Heat map of Conservation Congress results of question on lead education that shows broad support

Wake boats were also shown to be really unpopular, with the majority of Conservation Congress voters voting for limits on these boats.

Wake boat question results showing 75% of voters want limits on wake boats

Other highlights include over 87% of voters in support of of bluebird restoration, and 84% supporting the banning of 2,4D herbicide

Here are the results for all of the questions we were tracking:






8.  Do you support allowing hunters who quarter their deer in the field to leave non-edible parts at the site of harvest?


Deer gut piles are already a major source of lead poisoning for birds of prey and other scavenging mammals. Leaving more of the deer carcass in the field only increases the lead exposure to birds and mammals that would likely feed on these remaining deer parts. The concern here is the additional lead on the landscape, which is highly lethal. 



28. Do you support DNR including information on lead alternatives and the impact that lead ammunition and fishing tackle have on our ecosystems and public health in hunter education courses and hunting and fishing regulation materials?


As responsible stewards of the land, it is our responsibility to reduce lead in the environment to ensure a diverse and viable wildlife population for future generations.


Lost tackle directly impacts populations of loons, swans, eagles, and osprey. In the last 27 years, Northern Wisconsin's Common Loon population has decreased by 22%.


A recent study that sampled 1200 eagles in thirty-eight states, including Wisconsin, found nearly half of all bald and golden eagles suffer from chronic lead poisoning.



29. Would you support eliminating lead, statewide, from firearm ammunition used for hunting by 2030?




30. Do you support DNR using their resources and working with the Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin to expand nesting box monitors and to help educate the public about the impact of pesticides on grassland bird populations?


The Department of Natural resources estimates that there has been a 30% drop in breeding birds since 1970. 


There are a number of factors for this, but pesticides, insecticides, and rodicides are contributing factors, as well as outdoor cats and clear windows. 


The more we can do to educate the public about the declining bird populations and things we can do to help, the better chance we have of slowing this decline.



31. Do you support the DNR and other conservation groups creating an awareness campaign focused on the adverse impact outdoor cats have on Wisconsin's wild bird populations?




32. Would you support the WCC and legislature creating a new statute that prohibits the use of wake boat ballast systems on Wisconsin's lakes and rivers?


These boats create hazardous wakes that create a safety hazard to others using the lake; damage the environment; and erode the shoreline. Particularly concerning is the churning of the lakebed, destruction of aquatic plants & spawning beds, transportation of invasive species, and swamping of loon nests. 



33. Should the Legislature, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Health develop and enact protective limitations on PFAS compounds for acute and chronic toxicity in surface water, wildlife health, groundwater, fish consumption, and human health?


PFAS are dubbed “forever chemicals” because they’re very difficult to break down, and, what’s more, are carcinogenic, interfere with our hormone systems, and have made their way into Wisconsin’s waterways and drinking water.



34. Do you support the elimination of the use of herbicide, 2,4D in aquatic ecosystems in the state of



2,4D is a weed killer (used to kill things like dandelions), but can contaminate the air, water, and soil near here it’s applied and can unintentionally harm other plants and species. 



42. Would you support regulations by DNR to require that all ballast systems used in boats shall have a reasonable practical means of inspecting the system to confirm that no water is retained in the system (tanks, piping, valves, etc.)?


These boats create hazardous wakes that create a safety hazard to others using the lake; damage the environment; and erode the shoreline. Particularly concerning is the churning of the lakebed, destruction of aquatic plants & spawning beds, transportation of invasive species, and swamping of loon nests. 



43. Would you support the WCC and legislature modifying existing statutes to prohibit generation of intentionally magnified wakes for wake surfing through the use of ballast, design features, operational procedures or any other means on lakes smaller than 1500 acres and less than 20 feet deep and maintain a distance from shore and other lake users of 700 feet?




48. Do you support a ban on the shining of wildlife in the state of Wisconsin from Sept 15th thru December 31st?


Hunting at night with dogs, ATVs, and snowmobiles raises public safety concerns, is highly disruptive to people who live in rural areas, and contributes to a greater likelihood of illegal poaching activities



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